Important Sponsorship Update

Aarnja has delayed the reopening of the sponsorship grant funding until after the 1st of July 2023. Further updates will be posted here for our members and community as we approach the next phase of sponsorship grant funds for application.

Due to the aspirations of our Kimberley Aboriginal people, especially our elders, Aarnja are dedicating time and resources to a Kimberley YES to a Voice Campaign. We see the importance in informing our people about referendums, the constitution, and what the Voice stands for.

Aarnja's VISION is to empower Kimberley Aboriginal people, communities, and organisations to have a strong Kimberley Aboriginal identity and to participate in all of modern society's social and economic opportunities.

This, we think, is a key step towards reconciliation and better outcomes for our Kimberley Aboriginal people.  We look forward to meeting or being available to meet with our members over the coming months delivering on this important work.