Aarnja Grant Funding Program


Round 1 Grants for 2025 are now OPEN!

Aarnja Limited is proud to advise that our Round 1 Grants through the Aarnja Foundation Future Fund is now open for Kimberley Aboriginal people and Kimberley Aboriginal Community Controlled groups or organisations to apply for funding.

Round 1 Grants available: 

  1. On-country Grant (up to $500)

  2. Community Heroes & Champion Grant (up to $1000)

  3. Significant Support for Kimberley Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations Grant (between $20000 - $50000)

Applications need to be completed through the Australian Communities Foundation (ACF) grant link as follows: https://www.grantinterface.com.au/Home/Logon?urlkey=australiacf

Round 1 Grant Applicaitons close,11.59pm (AWST) Thursday, 20th March 2025

Please see the Aarnja Grant Guidelines Booklet and Grant Application Guide below for futher information and how to register to apply.


Funding Recipients Testimonials

The funding support provided to Waardi by Aarnja Ltd, (Aarnja) to lease a vehicle for the Building Babies Program, has been invaluable. Having a designated vehicle for the program has enhanced our capacity and capability to deliver the Building Babies Brains program to more remote communities. It has also given us the freedom to travel more frequently and at short notice to respond to requests/enquiries about the program etc. Being able to use the vehicle to carry large loads at any time is a godsend. The days of waiting for a suitable and available hire car is over. Equally important as the funds provided by Aarnja was the formal recognition of the program by Aarnja.
— Building Babies Brains, Waardi
Our team are extremely grateful to Aarnja for their ongoing support. They not only support us financially but are very helpful in genuinely responding to any issues or concerns we have, as best as they can, or if they can’t, connecting us to someone who can help provide a solution to our needs. Thank you Aarnja Ltd!
— Ardi’ol Art & Culture
A Youth Governance and Leadership Workshop was held in July 2022 in support of capacity building under the WAAPI Roadmap Priority #2 Local Leadership on the Dampier Peninsula. Aarnja is one of a handful to support this Aboriginal-led initiative. Through a collaboration for impact approach, WAAPI along with its backbone support groups and stakeholders aims to deliver future capacity building programs to help place our future leaders on pathways to building stronger Dampier Peninsula communities for our local Aboriginal people to prosper.
— Youth Governance and Leadership Workshop, WAAPI
We thank Aarnja for your continued support, which has been critical to building the capacity of Aboriginal women in the Kimberley to connect and create sustainable programs that engage in necessary language, law and cultural activities.
— Kimberley Aboriginal Women’s Strategic Plan for Law and Culture, KALACC