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Aarnja is working closely with Aboriginal leaders, communities and organisations on the State Government’s recently released Regional Services Reform project. Aarnja believes there is an opportunity to unite Kimberley Aboriginal people and put them in the driving seat for real positive change in our remote communities.

Aboriginal Representative Organisation Pilot

Aarnja has been chosen to deliver the Aboriginal Representative Organisation (ARO) pilot in the Kimberley. The initiative is a critical step toward implementing changes made last year to the Children and Community Services Act 2004, which include requirements for AROs to be consulted on placement arrangements and cultural support planning for children in their community. The pilot commenced in November 2022.

Kimberley Aboriginal Children in Care Project (Aarnja) 
Aboriginal children in out-of-home care was recognised as a first priority for the West Kimberley as rates for the region are significantly higher than for non-Indigenous children. In response, Aboriginal leaders established the Kimberley Aboriginal Children in Care Committee, which has worked with Aarnja to address this important priority. The committee provided a report identifying key issues and gaps in the child protection systems and a series of recommendations to address the issues. It’s now working closely with the responsible WA Government Department to ensure legislative, policy, and service reviews take these recommendations into account. To complement this process, Aarnja is continuing to encourage collaboration between service providers so that we can make a powerful and positive collective impact for the benefit of our families and children. We're conscious of the need to minimise duplication of service provision and the importance of working together.